Frequently Asked Questions
Are you accredited?
What grades levels are taught?
Yes. We do offer accreditation through ABeka Academy for 9th-12th grade. Be sure to contact the office for more information.
Calvary Baptist Christian Academy is a K4-12 school.
Do you offer a pre-school? Do you offer after-school supervised care?
We do not offer a pre-school class and we do not offer after-school supervised care.
How is your school year divided?
The academic year comprises two semesters, one beginning in August (fall semester) and the second semester (spring semester) begins in January and typically ends in May after Memorial Day. Each semester comprises two quarters, for a total of four quarters for the academic year.
What is FACTS?
FACTS is our student information system used to collect all grading information and communicate with parents; parents will have an account setup at registration time; some students choose to set up an account (which is READ-ONLY) to track their homework and other progress. FACTS is also our tuition management partner for making tuition payments by parents.
Are any scholarships or financial assistance available?
We cannot provide scholarships or financial help.
Are uniforms required?
Yes. Please see Dress Code or our Parent/Student Handbook for the specific uniform requirements. Uniforms can be purchased online from Shaheen’s .
What curriculum does CBCA use?
At Calvary Baptist Christian Academy, we use the ABeka Christian School curriculum, taught in both a traditional and video presentation format.